Drumragh Integrated College

Transferring to Drumragh

In Year 8-12 and interested in joining us?

Applications are considered against the following criteria:
• The whole college enrolment number as determined by the Department of Education is not exceeded.
• The capacity for the year group is not exceeded.
• Class sizes as determined by the Department of Education regulations are not exceeded.
• There is a place available in the class(es) best suited to the applicant, academically.
• There are the pastoral resources available in the College to support the needs of the applicant.
• The need to maintain a balance of Protestant, Catholic and Other.
Applicants will only be admitted to Y12 in exceptional circumstances and only if the subjects, and the opportunity to
complete assessments, offered by the College, match the subjects required by the applicant.
If there is more than one applicant for a particular place the admissions criteria will be applied.


For any queries regarding admission into Year 8 or any other Year group, please contact us on 02882 252440 or fill in your details below and a colleague will be in touch.

Please complete all fields marked (*)