Students, staff and parents at Drumragh Integrated College are celebrating excellent GCSE results yet again this year. The College community is extremely proud of its students and extends congratulations to every one of them. These students are building their future plans and successes, and the future looks bright for them. Many are now looking forward to beginning their A-level studies at Drumragh within the next two weeks – and so a new chapter in their life story begins.
Drumragh Integrated College continues to excel and its 2024 GCSE results provide ample evidence of the College as a vibrant place of real learning. Academic achievements reflect much more than just intelligence; these results demonstrate the commitment and the strength of character of this cohort of students. Students have been richly rewarded for their dedication and focus to their studies.
Students achieving exceptional success at Year 12 include:
Ryan Patterson
Mason Young
Fynn Wilkinson
Weronkia Witek
Eve Wasson
Lucy Kilpatrick
Oisin McShane
Alexander Dodds
Tony McGeehan
Brian Lim
In addition to those achieving the highest A*/A grades, the college congratulates all who have achieved results reflective of their goals and aspirations. As an integrated college, Drumragh celebrates and encourages the best in every one of its students, and wishes them well for the future.
Staff deserve recognition for their part in the many successes Drumragh is celebrating. They have worked alongside their students, guiding them and offering additional support to ensure students excel to their potential. One of the many qualities of the college is the strength of the relationships that exist between students and staff. The college also appreciates the hard work, commitment and support of parents; the partnership between home and school is vital.
High examination results are a key goal at Drumragh Integrated College, as they are of course for any strong school. The college is also proud, however, of the personal qualities of the students who enrich the school by studying there. Drumragh emphasises the importance of positive, resilient attitudes, of developing the skills that employers want and of being a real, influential contributor to society. The GCSE cohort of 2024 richly deserve their success and have established a strong foundation for further academic and personal excellence.
Mrs Imelda Kirk
Drumragh Integrated College