Drumragh Integrated College

History & Politics

Staff Members: Mrs B Kerrin (HOD), Ms C Winters


The History and Politics Department at Drumragh Integrated College aims to give our students the tools to navigate their future by understanding the complexities of the past. We encourage our students to think critically, question everything, be confident and take risks in their learning. We inspire them to challenge prejudices and pre-conceptions within a spirit of tolerance and respect. We actively promote the development of transferable skills that will take them through life and apply to a range of different contexts. Above all, we want our students to be challenged, enriched and enjoy their studies.

History & Politics

Key Stage 3

Year 8:

  • What is History?
  • My Personal History?
  • The Norman impact on the Medieval World

Year 9:

  • Britain, Ireland and Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries
  • World War One

Year 10:

  • The Holocaust
  • The Causes and Consequences of the Partition of Ireland

Key Stage 4

GCSE History: CCEA:

Unit 1:

Section A: Modern World Studies in Depth: Option 1: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1945

Section B: Local study: Option 2: Changing relations: Northern Ireland and its neighbours: 1965-98

Unit 2:

Outline study: International Relations 1945-2003

Key Stage 5

GCE History: CCEA

AS1: Historical investigations and interpretations: Germany 1919-45

AS2: Historical conflict and change: Russia 1914-41

A21: Change over time: The American Presidency 1901-2000

A22: Historical investigations and Interpretations: The Partition of Ireland 1900-25. 

GCE Government and Politics: CCEA

AS1: The Government and Politics of Northern Ireland

AS2: The British Political System

A21: Option A: A Comparative Study of the Government and Politics of the United States of America and the United Kingdom

A22: Option A: Political Power 

Lunch Time Clubs / After College Clubs

  • Debate Society
  • Revision clubs

Extracurricular Activities / Trips

The History and Politics Department is active on Twitter. Our handle is @drumraghhistoryandpolitics. We encourage our students to create a twitter account for school purposes and follow us online for relevant articles, information and debates around current and historical events. We have a network of followers and work with other school twitter accounts to find the best information for our students. 

The History and Politics Department has run a number of trips in recent years. We have visited Krakow and Auschwitz, Leuven (Belgium), the European Parliament in Brussels, the World War One Battlefields and London. We also take a trip to London each year to visit the Houses of Parliament as well as a trip to Stormont for our Politics students.

These visits have given our students valuable opportunities to walk in the footsteps of people in the past and understand different cultures and traditions from their own. These experiences have been enriching and enjoyable and have given them new perspectives in their study of History and Politics.