Home Economics
Staff Members: Mrs P McManus (HOD), Mrs D Moore, Ms Z Deery.
Through the study of Home Economics, we aim to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and competences which will help them to be resourceful in their day to day lives. Students will be provided with opportunities to explore real life situations related to health and nutrition, family life and independent living.
Our overall aims are:
- To develop knowledge and understanding of current nutritional advice and apply this within the context of diet and lifestyle.
- To develop food hygiene skills in the kitchen.
- To develop practical skills in order to prepare, cook and serve a variety of food.
- To learn how to use equipment and work safely in the kitchen.
- To be aware of traditions and cultural influences on food choice and experience new foods.
- To help students understand and appreciate the role of the home and family as they relate to the development of the individual and society.
- To provide the opportunity, by working independently, in pairs or as members of a group to experience practical activities which will enable young people to transfer knowledge and understanding from one situation to another.
- To help students acquire the knowledge to become informed consumers and develop the skills to promote independent living.
- To promote cross-curricular links, and links with other subjects in the school curriculum.
- To foster enjoyment in the experience of learning within Home Economics and encourage pride and a sense of achievement.
Home Economics
Key Stage 3
Home Economics is a compulsory subject at key stage 3, contributing to Learning for Life and Work. Students should be able to:
- Demonstrate skills in the safe, hygienic, healthy and creative use of food.
- Research and manage information to investigate Home Economics issues, solve problems and make informed decisions.
- Show deeper understanding of Home Economics, be more critical, think flexibly and make reasoned judgments.
- Demonstrate creativity and initiative when developing own ideas.
- Communicate effectively in visual, oral, written, mathematical and ICT formats, showing clear awareness of audience and purpose.
- Work effectively with others.
- Demonstrate self-management by working systematically, persisting with tasks, evaluating and improving own performance.
Year 8
Year 8 students will cover a range of units including:
- Introduction to Home Economics
- Use of Equipment
- Safety in the Home
- Cooking for the Family
- Diet and Energy
- Meal planning and preparation using the Eatwell Guide guidelines
- Family life
- Breakfast Time
- Being a Consumer
- Traditional cooking at Halloween, Christmas and Easter.
- Active Kids 1 Star Chef Award.
Year 9
Year 9 students will cover a range of units including:
- Taking Care of Your Food
- Ethical Shopping
- You Are What You Eat exploring obesity and coronary heart disease
- Planning and preparation of meals using the Eatwell Guide guidelines
- The Family
- Faith and Food
- Traditional cooking at Halloween; Christmas and Easter.
- Active Kids 2 Star Chef Award.
Year 10
Year 10 students will cover a range of units including:
- You are What You Eat exploring diabetes, iron deficiency anaemia and osteoporosis
- The Teenage Years
- Planning and preparation of meals using the Eatwell Guide guidelines
- Special Dietary Requirements including Vegetarianism, Food Allergies and Food Intolerances
- Consumer Awareness
- Traditional cooking at Halloween, Christmas and Easter.
- Active Kids 3 Star Chef Award.
Key Stage 4
Examining board: CCEA
GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition
Students will follow the Northern Ireland CCEA GCSE programme of study for Home Economics: Food and Nutrition. It seeks to consolidate and extend the knowledge and skills developed at key stage 3 and will facilitate further study at a more advanced level.
Students will study topics such as food provenance, food processing and production, macronutrients and micronutrients, government nutritional guidelines, and food safety. Students develop practical skills in food preparation, cooking and presentation.
Students will learn about the nutritional content of foods and how to meet the specific nutritional and dietary needs of different groups of people. To do this, they modify recipes and plan, prepare and cook meals and dishes that reflect current government nutritional guidelines. They also study how to be an effective consumer in food choices, food safety and managing resources.
This specification is a linear qualification: students take all the assessment at the end of the course.
The specification has two units:
- Unit 1: Food and Nutrition (50%)
- Unit 2: Practical Food and Nutrition (50%)
Key Stage 5
Examining board: CCEA
GCE Health and Social Care (Single Award)
Students will follow the Northern Ireland CCEA GCE programme of study for Health and Social Care, and can take the AS course (Single Award) in Health and Social Care as a final qualification; or the AS units plus the A2 units for a GCE A level qualification (Single Award).
Health and Social Care A level encourages students to develop an interest in health, social care and early years, and provides opportunities to research issues affecting the care sector. Students will develop strong vocational links locally in relation to health, social care and early years work contexts, and will develop advanced study skills that will help prepare them for third level education, in areas such as nursing, allied health professions, social sciences, social policy, social work and early years. Health and Social Care will also help develop skills, aptitudes and values for employment in the health, social care and early years’ sectors.
The Single Award includes three assessment units at AS and a further three assessment units at A2 level.
AS 1:– Promoting Quality Care: Internal Assessment. 25% of AS 10% of A level
AS 2:– Communication in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings: Internal Assessment. 25% of AS 10% of A level
AS 3: - Health and Well being: External 2 hour written examination. 50% of AS
A2 3: Providing Services: External 2 hour written examination based on pre-release material which focuses on one service user group. 30% of A level.
A2 4: Public Health and Health Promotion: Internal assessment. 15% of A level.
A2 5: Supporting the Family: Internal assessment. 15% of A level.
Lunch Time Clubs / After College Clubs
Virtual extra-curricular club the 'Drumragh Bake Off'.
Weekly recipes are uploaded via Teams allowing students to share their talents and skills by baking at home.
Extracurricular Activities / Trips