Modern Languages
Staff Members: Ms C Dolan, Ms I Palma Varo, Ms L Toman
- To develop students as individuals, as contributors to society and as contributors to the economy and the environment.
- To make language learning an enjoyable, rewarding and intellectually stimulating experience.
- To create a positive classroom environment where students feel safe and are willing to participate.
- To enable each student to reach their full potential.
- To encourage positive attitudes to language learning and understanding and respect of other cultures.
- To enable students to become familiar with a variety of skills and vocabulary in the target language.
- To encourage students to work independently and as part of a team.
- To develop key skills such as ICT, Communication and Using Maths.
- To develop students’ self-confidence and ability to express themselves.
Modern Languages
Key Stage 3
Modern Languages are a compulsory element of the NI Revised Key Stage 3 Curriculum. Therefore, all students have an opportunity to study at least one language.
Students in the grammar pathway study both French and Spanish at Key Stage 3.
All other students study either French or Spanish throughout Key Stage 3. The language studied alternates depending on the year of intake.
Students will practise the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through study of the following topics:
Year 8
Friends and Family
My School
Year 9
Leisure Time
At Home
In Town
Year 10
Food, Drink and Health
Key Stage 4
Both GCSE French and GCSE Spanish are offered in the college. Students follow the CCEA exam board specification.
The content of the course is the same for both languages and is organised into three Contexts for Learning. These are outlined in more detail below:
Context 1: Identity, Lifestyle and Culture
- Myself, my family, relationships;
- Social media and new technology;
- Free time, leisure and daily routine;
- Culture, customs, festivals and celebrations.
Context 2: Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest
- My local area and the wider environment;
- Community involvement;
- Social and global issues;
- Travel and tourism.
Context 3: School Life, Studies and the World of Work
- My studies and school life;
- Extra-curricular activities;
- Part-time jobs and money management;
- Future plans and careers.
In their classes, students take part in activities which allow them to use the modern language by developing their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. All exams are taken at the end of Year 12 and each skill is worth 25% of the overall grade.
Key Stage 5
Students can select either language to study at A Level and, depending on numbers, courses will run in one of the schools affiliated to the Omagh Learning Community.
Lunch Time Clubs / After College Clubs
Lunchtime Languages Club once per week.
Extracurricular Clubs / Activities
Students have the opportunity to take part in external and internal competitions. For example, French Pop, Francofest, Hispanofest, Vocab Express European Day of Languages competition, cookery and a spelling bee. We also organise trips to France and Spain in collaboration with other departments in the college, such as Art and History.