Drumragh Integrated College


We have a convenient way to share information with you about your child’s school life.

You can access the system from a smartphone, tablet or PC – anytime, anywhere. This will enable you to access important information such as attendance, behaviour, achievement and homework. You can also access your child’s school report and receive notifications to remind you about important information such as key dates for your diary.

We use SIMS Parent App as a method of communicating key information to you about your child.  The information that you receive through SIMS Parent App will help you to stay up to date with your child’s school life as well as support their development and progress and can be accessed from any smartphone, tablet or PC anytime, anywhere. SIMS Parent App can be downloaded from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. If you cannot make use of the app, you can access SIMS Parent via a website. Click below for instructions on how to set up SIMS Parent App.

SIMS Parent App will be used to share the following information with you regarding your child:

  • Daily, weekly and termly attendance statistics
  • Termly School Reports
  • Currently held contact information

In addition to this, SIMS Parent App can be used by you to:

  • View school contact details
  • View school key dates
  • Keep all contact information up to date

Each term your child’s Tracking Report will be shared electronically with you via SIMS Parent App. You will be required to log into SIMS Parent via the app or website in order to access these. From here, you have the option to view, save and/or print each report.

There is a two-step process in order to use SIMS Parent:

  1. Registering with SIMS to activate your SIMS Parent Account (first time only)
  2. Downloading and logging into the app / logging in from the website