Pastoral Care
Respected, nurtured, valued and secure.
At Drumragh we recognise that being supported in a positive and respectful way is central to the social, emotional, physical and academic development of our young people.
Our wrap around pastoral care system is committed to developing responsible, independent young adults, able to thrive inside and outside of college. Our goal is to help all students reach their full potential, and recognise that some students require additional help to cope with the demands of today’s world.
A culture of caring permeates all aspects of college life, at every opportunity we seek to raise one another up, celebrate success and support the well-being of all members of the college community. Pastoral care is the responsibility of all staff and it is our hope that when a student moves on from Drumragh, they do so as a responsible, self-motivated young person, who are able to thrive and navigate an ever changing world.
The safety of our students is paramount; our Safeguarding Team provides essential support for any student who may feel at risk. The Safeguarding Team is led by Mrs Parks, the Designated Teacher for Child Protection and includes all members of Senior Leadership and the college Principal. Any concerns raised about a student or by a student will be treated with the utmost care and sensitivity. Safeguarding support may involve referral to outside agencies, engagement with the College counsellor alongside tailored support from staff during lessons.
If a parent has a concern about their child’s safety or welfare they can contact any member of the college’s
Safeguarding Team or Mrs Parks, Head of Pastoral Care.
We recognise that sometimes students require additional help to cope with the demands of today’s world. Our professional counsellors are available to support students during periods of emotional difficulty or to address issues which can interfere with their ability to fulfil their potential. We know that well-being and self-esteem are central to learning and growing.
Learning for Personal Development
Integrated into our college timetable is a weekly opportunity to help develop the character of our young people and enhance our culture of caring. During this time, staff and students collaborate on topics such as relationships, E-safety, bullying, peer pressure and decision making. It is here that trust is built between student and teacher; that worries and opinions can be shared with acceptance, tolerance and understanding.
The Programme of Study is tailored to meet developmental needs of our young people and correlates to the most relevant issues facing those year groups at their stage of social and emotional growth.
The holistic development of our students is key to preparing them for life beyond the safe haven of the College.
Copies of the following Pastoral policies are available on request from the college office:
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Pastoral Care Policy
- Positive Behaviour Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Drugs and Illegal Substances Policy
- Uniform Policy
- RSE Policy
- E-Safety
Drugs Education
The aims of the programme are:
- To increase student knowledge and understanding of drug-use and related issues.
- To explore a range of opinions and attitudes towards drug-use.
- To enable students to exercise responsibility and make their own informed and healthy decisions for their lives.
Celebrating Success
We aim to create an environment that celebrates the success of our young people both inside and outside of college. By acknowledging the achievements of our students, we validate the care, effort and progress they make on a daily basis throughout their college career.
We have a ‘Student of the Month’ award. This award is given to a student in each Form Class across the college as a means of regularly celebrating and recognising those who have not only put time and effort into their work, but shown kindness and helpfulness to others.
Students can also work towards levelled merit certificates- each merit certificate comes with its own matching prize. This ensures that all students who are working to the best of their ability; who are making academic and pastoral progress and who help enrich the life of the college are celebrated alongside our Student of the Month.
‘Celebrate what you have accomplished, but raise the bar a bit higher each time you succeed.’
Key Stage 3 Celebration of Success