Drumragh Integrated College

Post-16 Courses

Post-16 Curriculum

The post-16 curriculum allows students to study:

• Advanced levels (modules taken in June of year 13 and year 14)
• Applied Advanced Levels
• BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diplomas

In addition to the academic subjects, students are timetabled for:

• Private Study
• Careers
• Personal Development (PD)
• Curriculum Enrichment.

The GCE Advanced Level Qualification

The advanced level qualification now consists of modular examinations. Most subjects examine at the end of each year of study (May/June) and can be a combination of formal examinations and/or coursework.  The subject pages at the back of our prospectus stipulate how many modules each subject is made up of and what assessment is involved.

It is important to understand that advanced levels are two year courses and no qualification will be awarded for completing the first year. Both years must now be completed to achieve an advanced level award. Hence we advise all of our students to select three subjects carefully and stick to them.

Assessment of advanced level courses is in the traditional grade format from A* to E.

Applied Advanced Levels

Applied advanced levels are suitable for students who would prefer to follow a more vocationally orientated route. Both are similar in that they both consist of modules, but with an applied A-level, the modules are designed to focus on a particular vocational area, such as health care.

Assessment of applied A-level courses is also in the traditional grade format from A* to E.

BTEC / OCR Level 3 Technical Diploma

The college offers the advanced level equivalent BTEC courses in Business Studies and Performing Arts and the OCR Level 3 Diploma course in Sport. Each carries the same weight as one advanced level qualification but, while some of these courses do examine, there is more emphasis and weighting toward coursework. Final grades are in the format, Distinction star (A* equivalent), Distinction

(grade A equivalent), Merit (grade C equivalent) and Pass (grade E equivalent).

Collaboration - Omagh Learning Community (OLC)

To further improve our post-16 provision we are now able to offer students the opportunity to collaborate with other course providers in the area if we are unable to provide the course of choice. Every effort is made to provide each student with the curriculum of their choice and we believe that personalising the curriculum in this way is fundamental to long term examination success. Other courses on offer through the Omagh Learning Community (OLC) have included BTEC in Agriculture, Applied Science, Children’s Care and Learning Development, Construction, Engineering, Hospitality, Media: TV and Film and Media: Game Development, sport and exercise.

More details with regard to collaborative ventures are available on request from Mrs McCauley, Head of Sixth Form.

Our Post-16 Courses 

Art & Design


Business Studies


Digital Technology

English Literature


Government & Politics


Health & Social Care


Modern Languages

Moving Image Arts


Nutrition & Food Science

Performing Arts


Religious Studies

Technology & Design