Welcome to the Student Centre
Quicklinks to relevant sections available below:
Year 8 Induction Centre
Joining Us in September? Please visit our Year 8 Induction Centre to find out everything you need to know about Drumragh Integrated College. From 'A Day in the Life Year 8 Vlog' to our Uniform and all the equipment you will need starting out on the next stage of your journey.
Sixth Form Centre
If you are in Year 12 at Drumragh Integrated College or another School and are thinking about joining our Sixth Form, please visit our Sixth Form Centre to find out more about everything we have to offer. From 'How to Apply' to the Courses available we have something for everyone.
Online Services
User Guides, tutorials, links and further in depth information on how to make use of and access our 'Online Services'. From signing in and using Microsoft Teams, accessing Emails, password resets to downloading Microsoft Office - we have you covered!
Using Digital Technology
We understand that using ICT can be a daunting experience for the first time. In this section you will find out about all the facilities and management systems we have to offer students from Year 8 to Year 14 to ensure a cutting edge educational experience.
'The Base' Canteen Menu
We understand 'Lunch time' is an important part of the College Day for ALL students! Please use the quick link above to visit our Online Menu. There is an even larger variety of healthy refreshments available in College.