Using Digital Technology
The high standard of learning and teaching in our classrooms is reflected in our online platforms. Our teachers have become highly skilled in the delivery of online learning through MS TEAMs. Live online lessons have been provided enabling students to avail of the same teacher expertise as those able to attend. Similarly, pre-recorded lessons and activities have proven particularly popular with students allowing them to re-watch activities/instruction or skip ahead to work at their own pace. The technology is enabling us to deliver the very definition of a personalised learning experience. Testament to our provision, the College received an Excellence in ICT Award in October 2021.
ICT Facilities
At Drumragh Integrated College, we endeavour to keep up to pace with Digital Technology and the ever evolving technological environment. We continue to invest in resources to enhance the teaching and learning experience for our students. At the present time, we provide access through the following resources:-
• 75” Interactive LCD panels fitted within our classrooms
• 6 Computer suites
• Individual ICT resource areas within departments
• Laptops for use in departments
• iPads for use in departments
• A MAC suite
• Students are encouraged to bring their own device at Post-16
Acceptable Use Policy
All students at Drumragh Integrated College must read and sign the 'Student Acceptable Use Policy', available here.
When Using ICT within the College, all students must use their own C2k username and password at all times to access their own individual accounts. This also applies to communication - all students must use their C2k email address.
During the College day all mobile phones should be turned off.
Unauthorised use of a mobile phone or other electronic device, to record voice, pictures, screen or video is forbidden. Unauthorised publishing of such material on a website which causes distress to the person(s) concerned will be considered a breach of school discipline, whether intentional or unintentional. The person responsible for the material will be expected to remove this immediately upon request.
Privately managed mobile networks must be switched off.
The sending or forwarding of text messages deliberately targeting a person with the intention of causing them distress or cyberbullying will be considered a disciplinary matter.
The services provided by internet enabled devices can provide beneficial opportunities for students however their use during class is at the discretion of teachers and subject leaders. Students can benefit from the use of iPads or ICT Facilities throughout the school during class in order to support teaching and learning.
Sixth Form students may use personal devices in school, either during supervised study or class time with the permission of the member of staff. Students may only access the internet with these devices through the C2k Wireless internet. Students wishing to avail of this service must read and sign the 'Bring Your Own Device' Policy available here.
Accessing Software from Home
All Students at Drumragh Integated College have access to both Microsoft's Office 365 suite of software. Microsoft Teams is the platform that is used at Drumragh Integrated College. These can both be accessed online via the following links:
All pupils are entitled to download and install up to 5 copies of Microsoft Office on their own devices. Instructions for this are outlined within the ‘Student Guide to Online Learning' below.Student Guide to Online Learning
Username and Password
All students receive a unique username and password when they start in Drumragh Integrated College. This will be used inside school to access any computer. Passwords must never be shared with other students or members of staff.
All usernames are in the format username123 - this will be the first initial and surname followed by three numbers.
Students' password are private and must be secure. Passwords must be longer than 8 characters long with a mix of uppercase and lower case letters, numbers and special characters like ‘!’ and memorable - these must be used to log in at home, in college and during any lesson in an ICT Suite.
All students will receive an email address for use during their time in the college. An email address will be the students username followed by ‘’. A students' email address will be required to sign in to Microsoft Office and Teams from home using the following format:
Drumragh Integrated College embraces the use of ICT and is committed to educating all students on the importance of E-Safety.
We have the following in place to provide relevant and up to date information to students, parents and Staff:
- Visiting speakers to the College to provide assemblies to students and staff
- E-Safety focused assemblies
- Weekly content on social media
- Relevant information provided through lessons
- Competitions/activities throughout the year
Online Resources
We have dedicated resources that provide step by step guides and training available online under 'Online Services' in the 'Student' section of our website. Click here to go straight to our resources.