Drumragh Integrated College

Learning Support

Every child matters and our partnership with all parents is important

In Drumragh Integrated College we promote a whole-college approach to improving participation and achievement for students with a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities. We want each child to feel included, supported and valued, aiming to foster his or her self-confidence and motivation.

We employ a variety of strategies to facilitate inclusion and help students to overcome barriers to learning, including the following:

  • Providing a safe, caring and supportive environment
  • Making accurate, productive use of assessment information including outcomes of standardised testing
  • Supporting effective teaching and learning in keeping with identified needs and, where relevant, in close collaboration with the College’s Literacy and Numeracy Co-ordinators
  • Using further diagnostic testing where appropriate to implement tailored support programmes
  • Conducting on-going reviews of interventions and additional support
  • Ensuring close tracking and rigorous monitoring of progress – linked into the whole-college Tracking and Monitoring system
  • Having high aspirations for all promoting an ethos which embeds increasing student independence
  • Having a skilled Learning Support Team who work individually, in small groups and across the college with students.

Particular emphasis is placed on building working partnerships with parents to facilitate greater involvement in decision-making and support for their child’s learning. We encourage students and parents to let us know about any difficulties they may be having.

We also acknowledge the significance of multi-disciplinary provision and close links are maintained with a wide range of external professionals. This includes educational psychologists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, hearing impairment specialists, behaviour support specialists, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, ASD Services, Social Services and the Inclusion & Diversity Service.

We recognise that barriers to learning for some students simply involve the fact that they are fluent in their home language but are not yet confident in speaking English. Alternatively, the student’s English may be good but their parents are not yet able to discuss their child’s progress with us comfortably. In these circumstances, we can provide translation services either in writing or during meetings in college. 

Learning Support Department

We are proud of our Learning Support Department who provide extensive provision for SEN across all year groups.



I like Drumragh because it is a happy place to be and because there are so many kind and caring teachers and students. I have so many friends that stay by my side no matter what happens. It doesn’t matter about your skin colour or your religion. We are all one big happy family. The subjects taught at Drumragh are really good and the teachers always make you smile when you walk through the door.